Elena Turan

Elli Portrait


  • I’m 37 years old, I have 4 sisters and I’m a proud aunt of 9
    nieces and nephews
  • My slogan of origin: “I’m lucky to come from Wiedenbrück” in German it sounds smoother. My roots are Aramaic
  • I´m a crazy one and try a lot of fun stuff, what is speedfull,
    high or a mixed up of extremes and adrenaline
  • Before God called me into HIS calling, I was a Presales Consultant
    for an ERP system


  • The Reach Mallorca Outreach in 2022 was my first Outrech. Actually I had other plans to spend my summer holidays, but God lead me to take part of this missiontrip. During those 12 powerfull days, God pulled my heart close to him and HE sowed the vision of the Reach Mallorca School in my heart. It was absolutely clear for me that God is calling me, so I said YES!